Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Fireweed is getting near the top.

                                              One of the last of the lazy hazy days of Summer in Mohnton.

With Summer winding down I was thinking about my years in Alaska.  Summer there does not exist, a few warm days and it’s over.  In Florida it never ends, and here in the hills of Eastern Pennsylvania it comes and goes.  This morning it was 56 degrees, a sure sign that the hazy lazy days are on the way out. 

                                              Looking ahead to a long winter in the hills.

With the season in mind I’m taking a few days off to celebrate my birthday and prepare my studio for a long productive winter.  A little furniture to move around and a trip to the flea market to get a table for my kitchen and I’ll be ready.

Free Graphics Program
My Photo Shop program is sleeping in my dead computer in the closet and I have missed it …. A lot.  But being a cheapskate I was not about to cash out to replace it and have been trying to get by with a variety of free programs.
Happy to say I have found a good replacement, and it was a free download.  It is called Paint.NET.  I spent three days playing with it and so far it can do everything I need.  So….if you need a good graphics program and don’t want to spend any money you should give it a try.  You could save a few hundred bucks.  The download is on the Cnet site.

The News:
TV talking heads are stressing about the Mustard Gas said to be stockpiled in Libya.  They are concerned it could fall into the “wrong hands”.  Mustard Gas……are you kidding me?  There are  “right hands” for this stuff??  How did people get so stupid?  We had such a good start, fire, the wheel, growing food and lots of cool stuff.  But over time we have got to the point where there are actual “right hands” for stuff like Mustard Gas and atomic bombs. 

Earthquake !
Yikes!  We have just had a small earthquake here…..a minor wiggle but it gets your attention.  The cats did not notice, it takes more than a tremor to wake these guys.

I’ll post pictures of the newly rearranged studio in a couple days.

                                              Getting near the top in Mohnton, Pa.  (not fireweed)

Regards the “fireweed”.  It is a tall flowering plant common in Alaska toward the end of summer.  It blooms for weeks, from bottom to top on a long single stalk.  As the blooms reach the top you start to notice the snow line on the mountains moving down.  The locals call the snow “termination dust”.  Tis the season, the fireweed is near the top and termination dust is on the mountain. I have a line of 10 foot plants in front of my studio that bloom like the fire weed.  Not sure what they are called but they reminded me of the last days of summer in Alaska.

Enjoy my Birthday.  Have a Yuengling.  See you in a couple days.

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