Sunday, September 25, 2011

All Roads Lead to Rome

That didn’t take long.  Only a few days since my post for “ready made art” a few of my Catholic friends are objecting to images of the Pope being disrespectful, unfair and etc.  First off the post and the images in question have nothing to do with religion.  What you believe or don’t believe is up to you .  Second…unlike the Bishops, Cardinals and Priests who have been issuing  meaningless apologies  for the abuse that has been covered up for generations there will be no apology from The Nally Boys.

                                  Pope on wheels by Big Dutch  Nally

                           The little Pope by Big Dutch Nally

The Catholic Church has provided a perfect model for the establishment and maintenance of a “Good Old Boy” network.  Frankly I don’t care if it is in Mississippi, New York, Boston, Philadelphia or Rome,  protecting the guilty  to maintain power  is wrong and all the prayers and promises don’t make it right.  Below are links to a few of the news stories reporting on the issue, 
Far from being a local issue the abuse of children by the Church is a world wide problem that is finally being given the attention it deserves.

The Pope and other new images will be posted and available in the Nally Boys shop on October 1st.


  1. Frankly in this time of uncertainty in our country
    I am appalled that you would call in to question the Catholic church when they provide so many jobs to youth counselors ,lawyers,child pornographers and the list geos on an on. Misinformation ,hate and the abuse of power have long been a Halmark of our country and of western civilization itself.That you should call into question the diddling of our youth by our devoted clergy shows a callous disregard for centuries mentoring to the young by these devoted men.
    What the world needs is a good old fashioned Inquisition and you should be first in line for interrogation

  2. Big organizations are always corrupt - even the churches. Never stop fighting the power Nally Boys! I am pretty sure you are far down the list of those in need of inquisitioning...
