Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Big Brother

Big Brother is watching you.

                                   "Not so Much"    by Big Dutch Nally

Big Brother ?  Forget about it.  It is way too late to protect yourself, your privacy is gone forever.  The information you have not given away on Facebook and other sites can be stolen by hackers.  So called “smart” phones are smarter than the folks that use them and everything you do is recorded and saved somewhere.  In the early days of the internet sites added content to get you to visit and today the data you generate when you visit is the content. 

Can’t remember where you were Saturday night…..ask Google or Facebook there is a good chance they know.  And I dare you to explain the privacy policy being posted by any site…..ever clicked the “agree” button rather than read a site’s policies?  Unless you are a lawyer you have no idea what you have agreed to and if you are a lawyer there are other lawyers ready to argue the meaning of every word in the agreement. Years from now the courts will try to sort through it all but in the end the consumers rights will be limited if they exist at all.

Big Dutch got it right with his new painting “not so much”.  To see more by “Big Dutch” and Wm. B. visit the gallery links.  And don’t miss the Cigar Store Indians, a bit pricy for most of us but real treasures of Americana.

Lent begins

This year I am testing the “freedom of religion” feature of our constitution.  Or should I say freedom “ from” religion. I am giving up “Religion” for Lent. No Church, no Bible study, no money in the collection plate, no prayers, no Pope telling me what to do and no Rick Santorum.  Also no tv preachers……as much as I will miss the blessings and instruction of Pastor John Hagee, Jim Baker and the Swaggert clan, and the 700 Club, they are banished from my tv for Lent.  By Easter morning I’ll either be the first in line to get into the Church or sitting in my studio with the New York Times and a cup of espresso.  I’ll let you know how that works out. 

Primary voting today in Michigan and Arizona.

Not sure how this will turn out but It looks like Rick Santorum is the Catholic we feared when JFK ran for President.  Rick has made it clear the Pope will be guiding things when he is elected.  More about Rick later.

Mohnton F.C. Officers for 2012


Clubhouse Director…………….Big Dutch

Rules and Procedures…………..Monsignor Timothy

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