There is a shortage of money spreading across the US and much of the world. What is going on? Everyone is complaining…..even the millionaires are bitching. Almost everyone I know says they are broke, the banks are raising fees because they are having trouble, airlines charging for pillows and peanuts and biz is bitching (as always) that wages and taxes are killing them.
Even the NFL is having trouble trying to divvy up the BILLIONS they earn in a season. There just isn’t enough to go around the team owners say. The players say they are getting screwed.
A big bill from the old days, now a collectors item you can buy at
for a little more than $1000.
It’s no surprise the government is broke, all the dead beats on Social Security, teachers getting paid huge salaries, all the cops and fireman getting fat retirement packages, and the Republicans are ready to declare civil war at the mention of paying taxes of any kind.
All this is happening while the govt is printing money by the truck load. So where is the cash? Does China have it all? Maybe the drug dealers got it. Did we spend all the dollars to bomb folks over the last ten years?
There are a few basic problems that we refuse to fix….we have a consumer based economy, and the consumer is working more hours for a shrinking slice of the pie. Once again the answer is DUH! The consumer can’t borrow more and can’t earn more and can’t spend more. Folks are spending every dime they can but it just isn’t enough.
I say crank up the press and start printing money till there is enough to go around. And quit screwing around printing one dollar bills. Print thousand dollar bills. Print 500 dollar bills, put George Bush on the bill if you want. Why not a 10,000 dollar Ron Regan bill, that would be a popular number. And then spread the money around…..Just like we drop food to starving folks when floods and earthquake strike we could drop cash by the plane load on poor areas. Drop a few billion on Detroit and watch the results ...Walmart would be jumpin’ and the car dealers and dept. stores would be jamming.
Sure, sure there are all kinds of rules that say we can’t just print money and hand it out but that’s what we are doing now, but we aren’t printing enough and we aren’t giving it to the right people.
It will take years and years for the economy to recover the way things are going….or we can use the “print and deal” system and fix the problem is a few weeks.
Print Baby Print !
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